
Lemke, Thomas (2024). Anticipating and suspending: the chronopolitics of cryoconservation. BioSocieties (Forthcoming Special Issue).

Liburkina, Ruzana (2024). The politics of suspension suspended: the curious case of a cryopreserved cell product. BioSocieties (Forthcoming Special Issue).

Braun, Veit (2024). The stuff of memories: Planning hindsight in animal cryobanks. Social Studies of Science, 03063127241252081.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2024). “Being useful, I think it’s the result of a sick society”: Critical reflections on reproductive politics and markets by women freezing their eggs in Spain. BioSocieties. ↗

Braun, Veit, Lafuente-Funes, Sara, Lemke, Thomas, & Liburkina, Ruzana (2023). Making Futures by Freezing Life: Ambivalent Temporalities of Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 693–699.

Braun, Veit (2023). Das gefrorene Gedächtnis: Temperatur und Erinnerung in Biobanken. Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022, 41.

Lemke, Thomas (2023). Biopolitik revisited. Ein neues Regime der Kryopolitik. Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2023). The Role of Vitrification in Spanish Reproductive Labs: A Cryo-revolution Led by Strategic Freezing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 752–776.

Lemke, Thomas (2022). Cryopreserving the present? The climate crisis and the emergence of a politics of suspension. Studia Krytyczne/Critical Studies (10), 55–62.

Lemke, Thomas (2022). Conceptualising Suspended Life. From Latency to Liminality. Theory, Culture and Society. ↗

Liburkina, Ruzana (2022). Cryovalues beyond High Expectations: Endurance and the Construction of Value in Cord Blood Banking. Science, Technology, & Human Value ↗

Lafuente‐Funes, Sara and Laura Perler (2021). Book Review: “Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging. Lucy van de Wiel, New York: NYU Press, 2020, 344 pp”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 35(4), O90–O92. Wiley 10.1111/maq.12671 ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2021). Welcome to Whenever. Exploring Suspended Life in Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values. ↗

Liburkina, Ruzana, Thomas Lemke, Veit Braun and Sara Lafuente-Funes (2021). Dynamiken des Stillstands: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf kryobiologische Anwendungen. 46th Annual Meeting of the Deutscher Kaelte und Klimatechnischer Verein 2020: Deutsche Kaelte-und Klimatagung 2020 Proceedings 1, 60–67. ↗

Braun, Veit, Sara Lafuente-Funes, Thomas Lemke and Ruzana Liburkina (2020). Investigating Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies: A New ERC Project. EASST Review 39(1). ↗

Braun, Veit (2020). Review of Nicole C. Karafyllis (Hg.), Theorien der Lebendsammlung. Pflanzen, Mikroben und Tiere als Biofakte in Genbanken (Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog, Bd. 25). Technikgeschichte 87(1), 5–6.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2020). Vorreiterrolle in Europa. Reproduktive Bioökonomie. Bioskop 89, 14–15.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara and Amaia Perez Orozco (2020). On (global) care chains in times of crisis: egg donation and domestic work in Spain. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society. ↗

Lemke, Thomas, Ruzana Liburkina, Veit Braun and Sara Lafuente-Funes (2020). Aufgeschobenes Leben. GiD – Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst 253, 34–35.

Lemke, Thomas (2019). Beyond Life and Death. Investigating Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies. Soziologie 48(4), 450–466.

Lemke, Thomas (2019). Going Further: Lebensformen, Politics, and Critique. In: Graw, Isabelle & Menke, Christoph (eds.), The Value of Critique. Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour, Frankfurt am Main / New York, 120–125.

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