
Braun, Veit, Lafuente-Funes, Sara, Lemke, Thomas & Liburkina, Ruzana (2024). Introduction to the special issue: Politics of suspension? Time, space, and control in cryopreservation practices. BioSocieties (2024).

Lemke, Thomas (2024). Anticipating and suspending: the chronopolitics of cryoconservation. BioSocieties (2024).

Beregow, E., Braun, V. M., & Lemke, T. (eds.) (with Filzinger, F.). (2024). Critical Temperature Studies: Konturen eines Forschungsprogramms. Campus.

Beregow, E., Braun, V., & Lemke, T. (2024). Einleitung. In E. Beregow, V. Braun, & T. Lemke (eds.), Critical Temperature Studies. Konturen eines Forschungsprogramms (pp. 7–37). Campus.

Liburkina, Ruzana (2024). The politics of suspension suspended: the curious case of a cryopreserved cell product. BioSocieties (2024).

Braun, Veit (2024). The stuff of memories: Planning hindsight in animal cryobanks. Social Studies of Science, 03063127241252081. ↗

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2024). “Being useful, I think it’s the result of a sick society”: Critical reflections on reproductive politics and markets by women freezing their eggs in Spain. BioSocieties. ↗

Braun, Veit, Lafuente-Funes, Sara, Lemke, Thomas, & Liburkina, Ruzana (2023). Making Futures by Freezing Life: Ambivalent Temporalities of Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 693–699. ↗

Braun, Veit (2023). Das gefrorene Gedächtnis: Temperatur und Erinnerung in Biobanken. Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022, 41. ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2023). Biopolitik revisited. Ein neues Regime der Kryopolitik. Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022. ↗

Braun, V., Liburkina, R., & Lafuente-Funes, S. (2023). Die Ordnung der Zellen. Biopolitische Notizen aus dem Labor. In K. Hoppe, J. Rüppel, F. von Verschuer, & T. H. Voigt (eds.), Leben Regieren: Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert (pp. 157–176). Campus Verlag.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2023). The Role of Vitrification in Spanish Reproductive Labs: A Cryo-revolution Led by Strategic Freezing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 752–776. ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2022). Cryopreserving the present? The climate crisis and the emergence of a politics of suspension. Studia Krytyczne/Critical Studies (10), 55–62. ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2022). Conceptualising Suspended Life. From Latency to Liminality. Theory, Culture and Society. ↗

Liburkina, Ruzana (2022). Cryovalues beyond High Expectations: Endurance and the Construction of Value in Cord Blood Banking. Science, Technology, & Human Value ↗

Lafuente‐Funes, Sara and Laura Perler (2021). Book Review: “Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging. Lucy van de Wiel, New York: NYU Press, 2020, 344 pp”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 35(4), O90–O92. Wiley 10.1111/maq.12671 ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2021). Welcome to Whenever. Exploring Suspended Life in Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values. ↗

Liburkina, Ruzana, Thomas Lemke, Veit Braun and Sara Lafuente-Funes (2021). Dynamiken des Stillstands: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf kryobiologische Anwendungen. 46th Annual Meeting of the Deutscher Kaelte und Klimatechnischer Verein 2020: Deutsche Kaelte-und Klimatagung 2020 Proceedings 1, 60–67. ↗

Braun, Veit, Sara Lafuente-Funes, Thomas Lemke and Ruzana Liburkina (2020). Investigating Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies: A New ERC Project. EASST Review 39(1). ↗

Braun, Veit (2020). Review of Nicole C. Karafyllis (Hg.), Theorien der Lebendsammlung. Pflanzen, Mikroben und Tiere als Biofakte in Genbanken (Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog, Bd. 25). Technikgeschichte 87(1), 5–6.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2020). Vorreiterrolle in Europa. Reproduktive Bioökonomie. Bioskop 89, 14–15.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara and Amaia Perez Orozco (2020). On (global) care chains in times of crisis: egg donation and domestic work in Spain. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society. ↗

Lemke, Thomas, Ruzana Liburkina, Veit Braun and Sara Lafuente-Funes (2020). Aufgeschobenes Leben. GiD – Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst 253, 34–35.

Lemke, Thomas (2019). Beyond Life and Death. Investigating Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies. Soziologie 48(4), 450–466.

Lemke, Thomas (2019). Going Further: Lebensformen, Politics, and Critique. In: Graw, Isabelle & Menke, Christoph (eds.), The Value of Critique. Exploring the Interrelations of Value, Critique, and Artistic Labour, Frankfurt am Main / New York, 120–125.

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