
Latest Publications:

Braun, Veit, Lafuente-Funes, Sara, Lemke, Thomas & Liburkina, Ruzana (2024). Introduction to the special issue: Politics of suspension? Time, space, and control in cryopreservation practices. BioSocieties (2024). ↗

Lemke, Thomas (2024). Anticipating and suspending: the chronopolitics of cryoconservation. BioSocieties (2024).

Beregow, E., Braun, V. M., & Lemke, T. (eds.) (with Filzinger, F.). (2024). Critical Temperature Studies: Konturen eines Forschungsprogramms. Campus.

Liburkina, Ruzana (2024). The politics of suspension suspended: the curious case of a cryopreserved cell product. BioSocieties (2024).

Braun, Veit (2024). The stuff of memories: Planning hindsight in animal cryobanks. Social Studies of Science, 03063127241252081.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2024). “Being useful, I think it’s the result of a sick society”: Critical reflections on reproductive politics and markets by women freezing their eggs in Spain. BioSocieties. ↗

Braun, Veit, Lafuente-Funes, Sara, Lemke, Thomas, & Liburkina, Ruzana (2023). Making Futures by Freezing Life: Ambivalent Temporalities of Cryopreservation Practices. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 693–699.

Braun, V., Liburkina, R., & Lafuente-Funes, S. (2023). Die Ordnung der Zellen. Biopolitische Notizen aus dem Labor. In K. Hoppe, J. Rüppel, F. von Verschuer, & T. H. Voigt (eds.), Leben Regieren: Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert (pp. 157–176). Campus Verlag.

Lemke, Thomas. (2023). Biopolitik revisited. Ein neues Regime der Kryopolitik. Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022.

Lafuente-Funes, Sara (2023). The Role of Vitrification in Spanish Reproductive Labs: A Cryo-revolution Led by Strategic Freezing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(4), 752–776.

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Latest Presentations:

Veit Braun: Memory Grinder. Brno. 10 June 2023.

Ruzana Liburkina: “I just feel better this way”: The Role of Situated Uncertainties for the Persistence of Family Cord Blood Banking. Brno. 8 June 2023.

Sara Lafuente-Funes: Mercados formados por personas: la incomodidad como constante cambiante en el estudio de las clínicas de fertilidad. Madrid. 20 May 2023.

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