Veit Braun
Subproject Leader

Veit studied political science, sociology and environmental studies in Vienna and Munich. He wrote his PhD thesis in sociology on the role of property and its recent crises in plant breeding. In CRYOSOCIETIES, Veit investigates how the possibilities of freezing endangered animal species change the landscape of biodiversity conservation in Subproject 3: Protecting Biodiversity, Resisting Extinction. His research interests range from ecology to economic theory and concepts to museums and their collections.
Main publications
Braun, V. (2024). At the End of Property: Patents, Plants and the Crisis of Propertization. Bristol University Press.
Braun, V. (2024). The stuff of memories: Planning hindsight in animal cryobanks. Social Studies of Science, online first, 03063127241252081.
Beregow, E., Braun, V. M., & Lemke, T. (eds.) (with Filzinger, F.). (2024). Critical Temperature Studies: Konturen eines Forschungsprogramms. Campus.
Braun, V. (2021). Holding on to and letting go of seed: quasi-commodities and the passage of property. Journal of Cultural Economy, 14(3), 306–318.
For a full list of publications, click here.