Violeta Argudo-Portal
Associated Researcher

Violeta studied social anthropology and globalization studies in Barcelona and New York. She holds a PhD in Science and Technology Studies (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) with a thesis on biobanking practices in Spain and their role in the contemporary biomedical supply chain. Between 2021 and 2022, she worked at the Spanish National Research Council on a project on predictive genetic tests. Violeta currently works as a postdoc at the Universitat de Barcelona and as an affiliated teaching staff at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her research examines how biomedical knowledge, products, services, and technologies are organized, produced, and distributed.
Argudo-Portal, V. (2023). Fresh or Thawed T Cells?: How Modes of Bioavailability Matter in the Study of Translational Medicine. Science, Technology, & Human Values. Online First.
Argudo‐Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2022). ‘We came here to stay’: Making biobanks worth maintaining in Spain. Sociology of Health & Illness, 44(2), 328-344.
Vallès-Peris, N., Argudo-Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2022). Manufacturing Life, What Life? Ethical Debates Around Biobanks and Social Robots. NanoEthics, 16(1), 21-34.
Argudo-Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2020). The reconfiguration of biobanks in Europe under the BBMRI-ERIC framework: towards global sharing nodes? Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 16(1), 9.
Argudo-Portal, V., & Domènech, M. (2020). Publicaciones sobre los aspectos éticos, legales y sociales de los biobancos entre 2011-2018: Una revisión panorámica. Revista Española de Salud Pública, (94), 133.