Elena Beregow
Associated researcher

Elena Beregow studied Sociology in Göttingen, Hamburg, and Copenhagen. She is a post-doc at the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs of the Bundeswehr University Munich. Elena wrote her PhD thesis on thermal figures in social theory and focused on fermentation as a theoretical figure of social transformation as well as a material practice. Elena’s research interests include temperature and society, science and technology studies, microbes, naturecultures, old and new materialisms, metaphors, and popular culture.
Beregow, E. (2022): Starosielski, Nicole (2021): Media Hot & Cold. In: Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung. Eds. Youssef Ibrahim and Simone Rödder. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 195-201.
Beregow, E. (2021): Fermente des Sozialen. Thermische Figuren in der Sozialtheorie. Weilerswist: Velbrück.
Beregow, E. (2018): „Cooked or Fermented? The Thermal Logic of Social Transformation“. Culture Machine 17, pp. 1-21.
Beregow, E. (2018): „Thermal Objects: Theorizing Temperatures and the Social“. Editorial for Culture Machine 17, pp. 1 -18.